

When we met Lidl they were known for being the cheeky newcomer to the supermarket game with a personality to match.

But their social content output was vanilla.

They needed some flavour added to their trolley, and fast.

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The competition were all doing the same thing - being very nice to everyone. They were shooting lovely recipe videos and wishing people a happy Friday. Great.

But on social, people want to be entertained.

They want to have a little giggle. We didn’t see any point trying to replicate what the competition were doing.

We knew Lidl had the right to be funny and entertaining so we found ways for Lidl to win fans and punch above their weight.

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We started by writing a set of tone of voice guidelines that developed the existing brand voice into a fully functioning tone bible.

This gave us the creative springboard to do some cool stuff later on.

We planned and executed their social content across all platforms and grew the Lidl audience by 900%.

And, we put reactive planning in place so that whenever something conversation-worthy happened, Lidl could be first, fast and funny.

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Won Lidl the position of most positively discussed supermarket (even beating Waitrose)


Growth in followers

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